Why Coaching?

Why Coaching?

Leadership coaching is a vital part of any leader’s development. A coach can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and guide you on how to improve your leadership skills. Coaching can also help you stay focused and motivated, and keep your goals in sight.

Does It Work?

At the same time, coaching helps leaders become better managers, which can boost employee engagement and retention throughout the organization

Leadership coaching provides leaders with a safe space for exploring and addressing emotions such as anxiety, stress, and anger. Unpacking these emotions with a fresh perspective can be key to developing strong leaders who are able to withstand the demands of their role.

But What Does The Data Say?

ROI of Executive Coaching

  • A Fortune 500 company wanted to study the ROI of Executive Coaching. They found that 77% of respondents indicated that coaching had a significant impact on at least one of nine business measures. In addition, they reported that overall productivity and employee satisfaction were affected the most. In all, their study concluded that Executive Coaching produced a 788% ROI. The study noted that excluding the benefits from employee retention, a 529% ROI was produced. (Executive Briefing: Case Study on the ROI of Executive Coaching, Merrill C. Anderson, Ph.D., MetrixGlobal, LLC)
  • Manchester, Inc. surveyed 100 executives, most of which were from Fortune 1000 companies. Their research showed that a company’s investment in Executive Coaching realized an average ROI of almost six times the cost of the coaching. (Maximizing the Impact of Executive Coaching, The Manchester Review, 2001, Volume 6, Number 1, Joy McGovern, et.al.)
  • According to the International Coaching Federation (ICF), 86% of organizations saw an ROI on their Coaching engagements, and 96% of those who had an Executive Coach said they would repeat the process again. Behind these results were tangible as well as intangible factors. Tangible factors were areas such as increased productivity, higher levels of overall employee performance, reduced costs, growth in revenue and sales, higher employee retention, and higher engagement of employees. Intangible factors were increased confidence of those being coached, improved communication, stronger employee, and peer-to-peer, and key stakeholder relationships.

Other studies indicate positive ROIs as well:


    • Improved executive productivity (reported by 53% of executives)
    • Improvements in organizational strengths (48%)
    • Gains in customer service (39%)
    • Increased retention of executives (32%)
    • Enhanced direct report/supervisor relationships (>70%)
    • Improved teamwork (67%)
    • Improved peer-to-peer working relationships (63%)
    • Great job satisfaction (52%)

Let’s face it, we are in a “people” business.  If we can… 

  • Keep good leaders longer
  • Make them happier
  • Help them be more productive…

What is that worth for your organization?

If the data support what leaders engaged in consistent coaching cycles keep saying, it would be unwise NOT to invest in leadership coaching!